
Read about Michigan Air Products manufacturers, products, company news, and industry updates.

EVAPCO’s Next Generation of  eco-Air Adiabatic Fluid Coolers

EVAPCO’s Next Generation of eco-Air Adiabatic Fluid Coolers

EVAPCO’s continued Research & Development efforts and commitment to offering the best products in the industry have resulted in another huge step forward for the eco-Air product line. Michigan Air Products is proud to share that EVAPCO eco-Air Adiabatic Coolers...

ASHRAE Introduces Updated Reopening Guide for Schools and Universities

Improve Air Quality in Schools with Displacement Ventilation

SOURCE: Price Industries Blog posted June 2, 2020 Leveraging Displacement Ventilation & Displacement Chilled Beams There is a growing demand within North American school districts for school buildings to perform more efficiently within shrinking budgets, while...

Dr. Stephanie Taylor Calls on the World Health Organization

Dr. Stephanie Taylor Calls on the World Health Organization

Dr. Taylor petitions the World Health Organization (WHO) to review the scientific evidence on humidity and health, and recommend a minimum lower limit of indoor humidity in public buildings to reduce respiratory infections. Dr. Stephanie Taylor's credentials...

Exclusive Rep of Greenheck Kitchen Ventilation Systems

Exclusive Rep of Greenheck Kitchen Ventilation Systems

Greenheck has invited us to become your exclusive representative of Greenheck Kitchen Ventilation systems effective immediately. Over the past several years, we have referred you to Accurex Kitchen Ventilation Systems, another brand of Greenheck Group. However, as...

New 3-Phase Vari-Green® Motors from Greenheck

New 3-Phase Vari-Green® Motors from Greenheck

Michigan Air Products is pleased to announce Greenheck's latest addition of Vari-Green® motors capable of 3-phase input voltage. This long-awaited feature expands Greenheck's offering and leadership in electronically commutated (EC) motor technology. Details about the...