Port Huron Area School District

Port Huron, MI

Class is in Session: Armstrong's Vertical Inline Pumps "Add Up" to Significant Savings

The Port Huron School District, managing twenty buildings with only six technicians and a soon-to-retire Facilities Director, faced a critical issue: three elementary schools in older buildings needed urgent boiler room upgrades. The objective was a retrofit pump solution for new boiler systems, but each building's unique configurations and space limitations posed challenges. Previously used horizontal base-mounted pumps were noisy, cumbersome to maintain, and required two-person efforts for laser alignment during repairs. Additionally, the large footprint of these base-mounted pumps further complicated their installation and maintenance. The rising costs of OEM seals further strained the district's resources. Thus, a search for a quieter, more efficient, and easier-to-maintain pump solution began.

MAP’s Solution

Michigan Air Products, in collaboration with Peter Basso Associates Inc., proposed Armstrong Vertical Inline Pumps. Armstrong’s position as a market leader in pump technology is rooted in its unwavering commitment to innovation, reliability, and energy efficiency. The decision to select Armstrong Vertical Inline Pumps over traditional alternatives was driven by their standout features, including their compact design, ease of installation, permanent alignment, and minimal space requirements. These attributes make them exceptionally well-suited for retrofit projects in constrained environments

The Result

The Armstrong Vertical Inline Pumps delivered impressive results for Port Huron Schools. Facilities Director David Koester praised their "whisper-quiet" operation, which contributed to an optimal learning environment. Chosen for their efficiency, featuring a compact design, direct coupling, advanced hydraulics, VFD compatibility, and reduced vibration, Armstrong Vertical Inline Pumps promise future energy savings and reduced operational costs, aligning with the district's commitment to sustainability and fiscal responsibility. Maintenance staff found the pumps easy to maintain, simplifying operations and allowing them to focus on other critical tasks. Koester emphasized, "The simplicity of maintenance with Armstrong pumps was a game-changer for us, in stark contrast to the challenges posed by our previous pumps."

Project Summary
PRODUCTSVertical Inline Pumps
MANUFACTURERArmstrong Fluid Technology
OWNERPort Huron Area School District
CONTRACTORWatson Brothers Company
ENGINEERPeter Basso Associates Inc.